Railway Station Masterplan

The consultation on the masterplan is now live and you are urged to give your views!

Our Campaign is disappointed by the poorly designed cycle infrastructure proposed and lack of connectivity outside the area of the masterplan:

  • Approaching from the south cyclists will have to cross 4 vehicle entry/exits to get to the station
  • The advisory cycle lane coming into the station from Brimington Road will disappear with no alternative provided initially
  • A shared path provided on the south side of Malkin St which should be segregated.
  • This shared path ends at the Brimington Road roundabout putting cyclists back on the road in a dangerous position.
  • No thought of connections towards the Trans Pennine Trail, College or Stonegravels Way

Read our response here..

You can view the proposals in a virtual consultation room which can be visited here https://chesterfieldstation.consultation.ai/ and fill in the response survey here https://aecom.researchfeedback.net/ChesterfieldRailwayStation