We respond to all applications sent to us by Chesterfield Borough Council and any others we spot in the weekly update.
The links below contain our responses to planning applications:
CHE/22/00604/FUL Housing on the Tapton Business Park
CHE/20/00250/FUL Resubmission McDonalds West Bars. McDonalds have taken the refusal to an enquiry
CHE/19/00771/FUL Housing adjacent to TPT in Brimington (TPT response)
CHE/19/00466/FUL Sports facility car park, Hasland
CHE/19/00199/FUL Mc Donalds West Bars. REFUSED.
CHE/19/00251/OUT 120 houses south of Calow Lane, Hasland. REFUSED.
CHE/19/00341/FUL Assisted Living bungalows off Chester St. Now amended to include cycle parking stands!
CHE/19/00319/REM1 Change of layout for residential flats above ‘Sorbo Lounge’.
CHE/19/00394/REM David Lloyd Adrenaline World.
CHE/19/00385/FUL 71 bed care home Ashgate Road.
CHE/19/00401/FUL A Rock construction HQ provision of gym facilities.
CHE_19_00157_FUL Glasshouse Yard