A61 Corridor Dronfield to Clay Cross

This is Derbyshire County Council’s priority route – to create a continuous cycle way from Dronfield to Clay Cross.

Dronfield to Unstone Green (PEAK resort) (work has commenced)

Construction started in November 2020. It will create a shared path alongside the road from Dronfield to the entrance to PEAK Resort’s car park in Unstone Green. There are some width constraints especially past Unstone Junior School and over the railway line but two side roads will be closed off.

PEAK Resort bridleway (built)

‘Cycle in Style’ ride on the PEAK Resort bridleway

The bridleway is finished and enables cyclists to ride traffic free from Unstone Green to the new roundabout on Broomfield Road. The bridleway also goes up the hill around PEAK Resort and crosses a field to Dronfield Hallowes (very steep!).

Peak Resort to Whittington Moor Roundabout (almost complete, Nov 2020)

This section more or less finished now. The footway coming out of Peak Resort has been widened and is now a shared path to a new Toucan crossing then a widened shared path to the existing underpass into the Sheepbridge estate. Then a climb up to Dunston Road and dropping down to a widened shared path leading to the underpass and cycle roundabout at Whittington Moor. Due to land ownership, funding and time constraints this is a bit of a compromise but it will at least create a route.

Stonegravels Way – Whittington Moor to Chesterfield College (built)

This section has been open for a number of years and includes a short on road section before the Tesco store (underpass allows access to Pottery Lane East). Because of the traffic light arrangement on Lockoford Lane it is convoluted to get across to the continuation of the path past the Casa Hotel (underpasses allow access to the Trans Pennine Trail). The route alongside the A61 ends in a steep climb up to Brewery Street.

Chesterfield College to the Railway Station (built)

The Toucan crossing and right turn into small car park

From the Toucan crossing at Brewery Street its quite easy to use the road to get to the railway station but it can be done traffic free – use the Toucan and turn sharp left on the shared path then almost immediately right through a small car park, then use the shared path alongside Durrant Road and cycle up to the bridge over the A61, go over the bridge, cross the road and use the segregated path to drop down to the station.

Chesterfield Station to Derby Road (Built)

One of the 2 new bridges on this section.

Follow the road to the large station car park and then carry straight on along the ‘station link’ shared path. After going over 4 bridges turn left at the first opportunity (going straight on takes you to the Hipper Valley & Holmebrook Valley Trails) and another shared path leads to a Toucan near the large roundabout, cross over and head south! It is possible to use another Toucan and go under the railway and cycle to Hasland.

Derby Road to Jawbones Hill Toucan (built)

Unsatisfactory ‘Copenhagen’ crossing, partially made better now by green surface and cycle symbols.

The footway on the west side of Derby Road is now shared until the Toucan crossing the road near Jawbones Hill. An attempt was made by Derbyshire County Council at ‘Copenhagen’ style crossings of side roads, not entirely successful so please take care!

Jawbones Hill to Storforth Lane (Rother Washlands) (completed)

The route has been raised slightly in an attempt to prevent it being flooded so often and also widened to 5m. Its like a cycle motorway!

Storforth Lane to the Avenue (built)

The footway on the right hand side of this image is a ‘shared’ path

This section utilises a narrow shared path to get under the railway, a Toucan and then a quiet road (Ingleton Road) to get to the Avenue site. For several years we have promoted a more level route past McGregors Pond but to no avail as yet.

The Avenue (built)

Too narrow K Barrier

After years of waiting the Avenue site is finally open, however our appeals for a direct route alongside the railway line were ignored and there is now a huge dog leg to negotiate across the dam wall. The surface is poor and there are several K barriers. This may well preclude adoption by Derbyshire County Council and being designated a National Cycle Route by Sustrans. However, at least you can cycle through!

Avenue to Hagg Hill & Grassmoor (built)

Exit on to Hagg Hill in Tupton

After the Avenue site the route at present goes under the railway line but will eventually route over the railway on the existing old railway bridge. There is an existing route which takes you to the bottom of Hagg Hill. Alternatively climb up Mill Lane (quiet road) to Grassmoor, cross over the main road and access the 5 Pits Trail.

Hagg Hill to Clay Cross (planning)

We are not aware of any specific route design for this section as yet.