Chesterfield Cycle Campaign make the following comments on this application.
The transport assessment for this application makes the usual glib DfT statements about suitability simply based on distance without any thought to the quality of the potential cycling routes.
Cycling from this site to Hasland or Chesterfield will mean travelling along narrow roads with numerous parked cars which we suggest few potential residents will feel happy doing. The development is an ideal cycling distance from the Hasland schools but very few parents would allow their children to cycle along the road connecting the development to the Hasland Junior and secondary school site.
We would like to highlight some inaccuracies in the transport assessment:
Yellow routes shown on the Chesterfield Cycle Map (produced by our Campaign) do not represent ‘quiet routes’, they show linking routes which may or may not be quite routes.
NCN 67 is not a complete route from Long Whatton to Northallerton. In fact it finishes in a southerly direction at Chesterfield railway station and starts again on the Five Pits Trail.
The Campaign therefore objects to this application because it falls short of Chesterfield Borough Council’s core strategy of prioritising pedestrian and cycle access.
Alastair Meikle
Secretary, Chesterfield Cycle Campaign