Chesterfield Cycle Campaign response to the application:
The excellent new bridleway built around the perimeter of the PEAK site, Derbyshire County Council’s approval for the creation of a cycle route from Peak Resort site to Dronfield which will hopefully be built next year and a recent survey and agreement on a proposed cycle route from Whittington Moor to Peak Resort with Derbyshire County Council highways engineers and our Campaign will mean that the site will easily be accessible by bicycle. Approximately 125,000 people live in Chesterfield and Dronfield and with the growing strategic cycle network can easily access the site by bicycle.
The proposed 12 cycle lockers mentioned in the Design & Access Statement (para 2.3) are inadequate so we suggest that in addition to the lockers a further 12 Sheffield stands are provided.
Unfortunately the detailed plans don’t download properly from the CBC planning portal but from the Design & Access statement the position of the lockers doesn’t seem to be shown. Cycle storage must be located near the main entrance and in the case of lockers be user friendly, unlike the ones in Chesterfield town centre! With the recent climate emergency declared by Chesterfield Borough Council it is imperative that transport solutions NOT using private cars are promoted and given priority. Therefore we expect that the access road from the new roundabout will have a 3m wide shared path alongside to link up with existing cycle infrastructure and cycle parking located nearer to the main entrance than the 179 car parking spaces.
Chesterfield Cycle Campaign have no objection to this development but hope our comments will inspire the developers to provide infrastructure to encourage cycling access.
Alastair Meikle
Secretary, Chesterfield Cycle Campaign