
CHE/19/00466/FUL, Sports Facility at Whitebank Close.

Chesterfield Cycle Campaign object to this application submitted in the name of Chesterfield Borough Council. The description is a ‘new car park development’. Our Campaign understood that CBC required any new or expanded car parking to provide bicycle parking at a ratio of 10:1. This application is for 25 spaces so we expect space to park 2.5 bicycles – in effect two Sheffield stands.
If the bicycle parking requirement has been removed please advise our Campaign, if not, given the declaration of a climate emergency and presumably CBC wanting less cars ‘on the road’ it is poor that CBC can’t adhere to its own standards on planning applications. This situation happened before when the crematorium car park was extended. In that case cycle parking was added after the Campaign objected.
This application was picked up by one of our Campaign members. According to the protocol agreed with Neil Johnson and others our Campaign should have been sent details of this.
Alastair Meikle

Secretary, Chesterfield Cycle Campaign