Comments from Chesterfield Cycle Campaign about planning application for houses at Chesterfield Waterside CHE 22 00604 FUL.
Our comments relate to cycling connectivity from the proposed housing development.
The Avant homes development north of this site and on the other side of the river is providing a good quality cycle path adjacent to the river. The bridge connecting this path across the river to the Trans Pennine Trail/National Cycle Route which was promised by Bolsterstone has never materialised which compromises the original vision of Waterside masterplan (now lapsed).
The vision of a through, traffic free cycle route alongside the river has been further compromised by the granting of temporary planning permission by Chesterfield Borough Council for the caravan sales site at Waterside.
So the potential of a north-south cycle path shown on the proposed plans CHE 22 00604 FUL would appear to be a solution but sadly there appears to be no onward cycle connections north or South of that route leaving it isolated and of little use. This is contrary to Chesterfield Borough Councils Local Plan CLP22.
If the small footbridge across the river at the north end of the site was designated as a shared footpath/cycle route that would at least provide a connection to the path that Avant have built albeit still leading nowhere because Bolsterstone have not built the bridge that they promised!
At the Southern end of the proposed cycle route it is difficult to see what could be achieved to connect the path to Brimington Road unless an accommodation can be agreed to use the private road from Brimington Road leading to the businesses (Parsons Electrical).
If a cycle route could be provided along this private road it would link up to the shared path being built alongside Brimington Road (although this is not compliant with LTN 1/20).
Chesterfield Borough Council adopted the County Councils vision for the Derbyshire Key Strategic Cycle Network and the local network which seeks to provide a traffic free alternative to Brimington Road. Chesterfield Borough Council planning officers and committee have consistently failed to secure this route through planning gain.
Within the development, the shared path(?) along Tapton Bridge Way appears to end in ninety degree turns and steps. This is unacceptable for a cycle route and a different solution compliant with LTN 1/20 needs to be found.
This application does not comply with Local Plan CLP22 enabling connectivity so Chesterfield Cycle Campaign objects to the application.
Alastair Meikle
Secretary, Chesterfield Cycle Campaign
See also our separate news article