If you cycle anywhere in Chesterfield, then please consider becoming a member of Cycle Chesterfield. By joining, you make a contribution that benefits all cyclists in this area:
- With greater membership numbers, our opinions and requests for better facilities carry greater weight with the local Councils, and it helps us to demonstrate that there is real demand for these.
- The membership fees support our volunteer activities which include providing useful information and raising awareness about cycling at our stalls and events; publishing printed information such as our Chesterfield Cycle Map, ride leaflets and printed newsletter; and holding monthly members’ meetings.
- We purchase and install bicycle parking stands for organisations and groups and have started purchasing and installing public bicycle pumps.
The membership fees are very modest and also include the following member benefits:
- Chesterfield Cycle Map.
- Quarterly printed newsletter, providing information about the progress of cycle facilities in Chesterfield and other cycling news, automatic sign up to monthly email newsletter.
- Cycle Chesterfield bicycle and window stickers.
We manage our memberships and renewals via Member Mojo. For information on alternative ways of joining please email us at membership@cyclechesterfield.org.