We kept hearing details about a ‘railway station master plan’ and were finally invited to a meeting at the town hall in 2018. The plan appeared to be something of a secret but we were able to make suggestions about cycle and pedestrian routes. Subsequently we (and Transition Chesterfield) have had a series of video meetings with planners from the Borough Council where we have been able to put forward our views on what is planned.
Reinstating road access from Hollis Lane to the station car park has now been approved (Phase 1 of the Hollis Lane link). In a planned subsequent phase the road will be extended to form a through route joining up to Malkin St. We believe that creating a new through road should mean another road is closed or restricted, consequently we think St Mary’s Gate should be restricted to buses only to create a pleasant walking and cycling route into the town centre.
A ‘fly through’ video of the whole station area and Waterside has been produced by Whittam Cox Architects with cycle infrastructure apparently sadly lacking! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0FgCbR6EYLU We are told this is not necessarily representative!
The masterplan has finally be published and you can read our response to the masterplan here.
Aside from those issues East Midland Railway plan to increase the number of bike parking spaces to at least 140 in a dedicated secure parking ‘hub’. The Borough Council are also considering extending this hub to include cycling information, basic repairs and bike hire.