Several members have commented on the “improvements” on Brimington Road and their impact on cyclists especially the new island near Tapton Terrace. The Secretary has arranged a meeting with DCC […] Keep reading →
ather late notice, but just to confirm the 3rd in our series of family rides will take place on Saturday 26th July. Meeting outside the Queen’s Park cafe from 2.00pm. […] Keep reading →
he Campaign has a new ‘recruitment’ poster. Copies will be distributed to the Community Forum noticeboards. Could you put up a poster at your workplace, school or doctors surgery? There […] Keep reading →
The Critical Mass ride in June finally made it into the Derbyshire Times on July 10th. Keep reading →
The Campaign features in the latest newsletter of ‘Working Well’, health promotion of Derbyshire Primary Care Trust. Click the image below to expand. Keep reading →
At a public meeting of the Planning Committee of Chesterfield Borough Council held on July 1st the application for a relocated Tesco and new football stadium was passed subject to […] Keep reading →
On May Day 2007 we offered half price membership and 29 people joined that day! Unfortunately some of them have decided not to renew, so from a brief high of […] Keep reading →
There was a great turnout for the Critical Mass ride, around 40 people took part, several trailers and a tandem came along. One of the participants has started a Facebook […] Keep reading →
Celebrate cycling and Bike Week! Critical Mass departing from the town hall at 5.30pm on Friday 20th June. A circuit of the towns roads and back to the town hall […] Keep reading →
The film night was attended by over 50 people, after watching the film a group discussion took place. Our stall at the Queen’s Park was a great success, as you […] Keep reading →