2023 in review


East/West Route Construction Begins: One of the pivotal moments of 2023 was the commencement of the construction of the eagerly awaited East/West cycling route, connecting Holymoorside in the East to the Royal Hospital in the West. This significant infrastructure project marks a substantial step towards creating a more cyclist-friendly environment across our community.

Inaugural Chesterfield Cycle Festival: A highlight of the year was the first-ever Chesterfield Cycle Festival. This event brought together people over a range of activities, fostering a sense of community and shared passion for cycling. The festival not only celebrated the joy of cycling but also served as a platform to highlight the variety of safe cycling routes we already have and promoted the town.

Campaign Renaming: In a strategic move, Chesterfield Cycle Campaign underwent a renaming to Cycle Chesterfield, more fully reflecting the nature of our efforts. The new name embodies the spirit of our mission and resonates with both existing members and prospective supporters.

Woodall Homes Planning Enquiry: Cycling and walking interests were represented at the planning enquiry into the Woodall Homes Development site that is part of the next phase of Chesterfield Waterside. The positive outcome, with the inspector agreeing in principle that the developer should fund contributions to active travel infrastructure, is a testament to our advocacy’s impact.

Sheffield Bike Stand Installation: Continuing our efforts to enhance cycling infrastructure, we successfully installed a Sheffield Bike stand at Mastin Moor Community Gardens. This addition serves as a practical and visible symbol of our commitment to promoting cycling accessibility.

Membership Increase: We are happy to report an increase in our membership numbers over the past year. The growing support of community members demonstrates a collective commitment to promoting cycling as a viable and eco-friendly mode of transportation. With more members, our advocacy efforts gain strength and momentum.

Regular Activities

Advocacy in Planning Meetings: Our members continued to monitor planning applications in the borough, responding to any that needed better cycling outcomes. We also actively participated in meetings addressing planning issues within the Waterside Development site. Our involvement focused on plans for paths and bridges, contributing to the vision of a more cyclist-friendly environment in Chesterfield.

Led rides: The tradition of Friday night rides continued to thrive, providing cyclists with an opportunity to come together, explore our local routes, and foster camaraderie. These rides not only promote a healthy and active lifestyle but also strengthen the sense of community among our members. We also had two Cycle in Style rides and new in 2023: an extended programme of summer rides.

Quarterly Newsletters: Our commitment to community engagement remained steadfast with the regular publication of quarterly newspapers. These publications served as a valuable source of information, keeping our members and the community at large informed about ongoing projects, events, and relevant cycling news.

Monthly Meetings: Our monthly meetings served as a cornerstone of collaboration and planning. These gatherings allowed members to discuss important issues, share ideas, and contribute to the strategic direction of our advocacy group. The consistent turnout at these meetings underscores the dedication of our members.

Hybrid Approach to Meetings: After years of online-only meetings due to the pandemic, we moved to a blend of face-to-face and online meetings in 2023. This hybrid approach means we get valuable face-time, and ensures that we can connect with our community regardless of circumstances, fostering inclusivity and accessibility.

Challenges Faced

Challenges with DCC Dialogue: Despite challenges, including DCC not reinstating the quarterly Cycle Liaison Meeting, we remained steadfast in our commitment to dialogue with local authorities. Continuous efforts are essential to ensure our community’s cycling needs are heard and addressed.

Looking Ahead

As we reflect on 2023, we eagerly anticipate the future. We are looking forward to the East/West route being completed in 2024, and also the second Chesterfield Cycling Festival in the summer. We invite all community members to join us in this journey towards a more cyclist-friendly and sustainable future.


As we bring the curtains down on the year 2023, it’s essential to extend heartfelt gratitude to those who have been the driving force behind the success of Cycle Chesterfield. Our accomplishments wouldn’t have been possible without the unwavering dedication of our committee members, the enthusiasm of our volunteers who made the Cycle Festival a triumph, Nigel for orchestrating the delightful Cycle in Style rides, and Lisa, for her tireless efforts on the Waterside site.

A special mention goes to Chris, our outgoing chair, for his leadership, and invaluable contributions. Chris has played a pivotal role in steering our group through its journey, and we express our sincere thanks for his dedication and hard work.

A call to action – Join us

As we reflect on the year’s achievements – from the commencement of the East/West route to the successful Chesterfield Cycle Festival and beyond – we recognise that our accomplishments are not just milestones; they are the result of a collective commitment to fostering a more cyclist-friendly community.

Looking forward, we extend an open invitation to join Cycle Chesterfield. As we embark on the exciting journey into 2024, we believe that the weight of our accomplishments grows with each new member. If you have the time; your support, ideas, and passion will contribute to the continued success of our advocacy efforts, if you don’t then that’s fine – increasing our numbers, increases our weight. You can join us online or email us at membership@cyclechesterfield.org for alternative methods of joining.